Page title: Bratz Forever Diamondz


The pet adoption page. There is a menu with different pet options
The pet adoption page

In Bratz: Forever Diamondz (PS2) we get to pick out a pet! The breed, sex, and name cannot be customized. Be careful which you pick, because our pet will be following us around for the REST OF THE GAME!

Our new pet is the Bratz team mascot and helps us out in a few different ways on our adventure.

In each phase of the game, in Stilesville, Florida, and New York, the Bratz may participate in pet shows! Much like the posing games with the Bratz in these games, we must hit a sequence of buttons to make our pet do tricks.

The winner gets a bunch of Blingz tokens. These are generally part of different quests in the game.

The Stylesville Pet Show. Our pet, a seal point cat, stands on a red pedestal preforming the 'Beg' trick.
The 'Stylesville' Pet Show. Yet another place where the name of the city is not consistent.
A game where you select three icons out of 5 different options. They must be in the correct order to win.
A treatz minigame

There are multiple minigames in different shops on the maps where we can earn treats for our pet. The game pictured to the left is a guessing game where you must guess the three correct symbols. The game not pictured is just a memory game where you have to match the cards.

If I remember correctly, you can hook another controller up to the system to play these minigames with another person.

Finally, sometimes we will use our pet to find lost items. We follow our pet around and when our pet finds something, we give them a treat and keep playing until we find all of the lost items or the actual item we're looking for.

Don't forget to stock up on treats by playing the minigames or buying them at a pet store. The minigames are so simple that I don't bother buying them at stores.

The Stylesville Pet Show. Our pet, a seal point cat, stands on a red pedestal preforming the 'Beg' trick.
The 'Stylesville' Pet Show. Yet another place where the name of the city is not consistent.

Pet Options

Hover over each pet icon to see how they look in game!

Name: Bee
Breed: Pure Ragdoll
Sex: F
Name: Lucky
Breed: Black Bobtail
Sex: M
Name: Maggie
Breed: Black and White
Sex: F
Name: Sky
Breed: Maltese Blue
Sex: M
Name: Red
Breed: Marmalade Mau
Sex: M
Name: Ash
Breed: Silver Tabby
Sex: F
Name: Basil
Breed: Chocolate Tabby
Sex: M
Name: Tortie
Breed: Tortiseshell
Sex: F
Name: Snowy
Breed: Tiffanie
Sex: F
Name: Laika
Breed: Jack Russell
Sex: F
Name: Wiley
Breed: Labrador
Sex: M
Name: Brass
Breed: Collie
Sex: M
Name: Lady
Breed: Brittany
Sex: F
Name: Daisy
Breed: Dalmation
Sex: F
Name: Winston
Breed: English Terrier
Sex: M
Name: Lola
Breed: Golden Retriever
Sex: F
Name: Duke
Breed: Husky
Sex: M
Name: Gemini
Breed: Pointer
Sex: M

Pet Clothing

Dogs and cats share the same t-shirts and collars. As for hats, cats wear bows and dogs wear goggles. Don't ask why, I don't know.