
(Kool Kat)
In this game, at least, Jade is the leader of the group. It was her being fired from Your Thing
Magazine that led to the creation of Bratz Magazine. Jade has a passion for fashion and her
articles are generally about it.
Over the years, Jade has become probably my favorite
character. I feel like I relate a lot to her fashion taste and I'm obsessed with her character art.

(Pretty Princess)
In this game, Yasmin is the one to say they SHOULD start their own magazine. She has a love for animals
and writes about them in the magazine. In the last issue, though, she stalks her friends who are on a
secret date and publishes images of them in the magazine, which is so unhinged.
Yasmin was
always my favorite growing up. I always thought she was so beautiful and I related to her love for

(Bunny Boo)
Sasha is the most level-headed of the Bratz group. She's an excellent problem-solver and always knows
what to say to ground her friends. Sasha's passion is music, so her articles reflect that about her.
I really appreciate Sasha as a character a lot more than I used to. I like the way she helps
her friends work through problems and I wish I was more like her. I have huge admiration for people with
those kinds of regulation skills, because it takes a lot of learning to get there.

Cloe is a very excitable and energetic person. She can be extremely dramatic at times. She is very
athletic and writes articles about it.
Cloe was my little sister's favorite character growing
up. I think it was because her hair was pretty and she's funny when she gets super dramatic about
things. I'm not sure I relate to Cloe that much, though. She is pretty funny, though.

Burdine Maxwell
(Birdface)Burdine is the main antagonist of the game. She fired Jade from working at her magazine, Your Thing. She works to thwart the Bratz plans in an attempt to make sure their magazine fails.
I really like Burdine as a villain figure. She's a snooty stuck up fatphobic woman obsessed with success and everything pink. Though the game isn't perfect, it's nice to see that most of the body shaming comes from the villain.

(Tweevil)Kirstee is one of the Tweevils, named because they are twins, and SERIOUSLY evil. She is the smarter twin, but that's not saying much. She and her sister Kaycee are unpaid interns at Your Thing Magazine. She is far more aggressive than Kaycee.
This is a great character. She and her sister are like henchmen for Burdine and they're why Jade was fired. They gave Jade the wrong information which is why Jade brought Burdine a burger in the first place.

(Tweevil)Kaycee is the other half of the Tweevils. She is a lot nicer than her sister, Kirstee. I think this is because she's often missing information or messing up plans. Kaycee always wears a bandage on her nose. It's implied that she's had multiple botched nose jobs. She steals the tickets to London back from the Bratz and her nose bandage is left behind as evidence.
I like Kaycee way more than her sister. She has so many funny lines in the game. Even though they're identical, she's just a lot more charming. Her sister isn't very nice to her a lot of the time, so I feel for her.

(The Dragon)
Eitan works at the smoothie bar in the mall. His role in the game isn't very big, but he has a
repeatable task to deliver smoothies under a time limit for Blingz (the main in-game currency). He's a
pretty kind and quiet person.
I really liked Eitan growing up. I guess I just thought his
hair was cool. I had a doll of him and I feel like I remember my sister drawing on his face with a pen
and it wouldn't come off. Heartbreaking.

(The Blaze)
Cameron, like Cloe, is also a pretty sporty person. His article tasks that he gives involve
roller-skating races. He's pretty cool, I guess.
He's a bit too in your face for me
personally but I like him well enough. I really love the inline skates in this game, so I'm a big fan of
the tasks he gives.

Fianna's first two tasks involve posing and taking pictures. She seems tired of seeing the same
supermodels and wants to see, in her words "real girls like you". Pretty ironic considering Bratz have a
wildly unrealistic body type. Interesting. In her third task she mentions getting an interview for a
modeling academy. Hmm... Anyway, she is who Yasmin photographs on a secret date with Koby.
am obsessed with Fianna's haircut. She's the reason I had a fuck-ass bob for much of my childhood. I
also love her voice.

Roxxi's tasks involve taking pictures of landmarks in London and Paris and putting together an outfit
only with things bought from the bargain bins. She has a twin sister named Phoebe. Roxxi and Phoebe are
nicknamed Sugar and Spice, respectively.
My favorite Roxxi moment in this game is when she
claims she doesn't have one of the other character's belongings and sends you to go talk to someone
else. Eventually, you're led back to her and she realizes that she does actually have it. Roxxi and her
twin Phoebe are high up on my list of favorites and probably the reason I used Splat box dye on my hair
when I was 14 (yikes!).

Like her sister, Phoebe also has a task to make an outfit using only bargain bin items. While Roxxi is
a bit more wild and sassy, Phoebe has a very sweet personality and a more classically feminine
I'm OBSESSSED with the way Phoebe dresses. I'm somebody whose gender expression varies
a lot and even though I often align more with Roxxi and Jade's styles, I do really love super pink and
feminine looks. I used to have a pink fur coat because it really reminded me of Phoebe.

(Funky Fashion Monkey)
Meygan used to basically be the 5th Bratz member. One of her tasks is a posing minigame. In another
task, you have to go around and ask people to return clothes borrowed from her. She also has the bargain
bin outfit task. Her nickname is... Funky Fashion Monkey? Okay, I guess.
Meygan has a special
place in my heart. My first Bratz doll was Dynamite Meygan! I'm surprised my parents let me have it
because that doll wears a green pleather outfit that shows stomach.

(The Panther)
Koby is in a band. His tasks involve making a poster for a gig and then later chasing down photos he
dropped from his gig. The photos are blowing around and you have to collect them all as quickly as
possible. Koby is photographed with Fianna on a secret date by Yasmin.
I don't really have
much to say about Koby. He sure is a guy. I cared a lot more for Cameron and Eitan. Also, does anyone
know what his shirt says? I think it says patrol but I'm not sure.

(The Fox)
Last, but least, we have Dylan. One of his tasks is to pick up the pages of an article he worked on
because he sucks and he dropped them. When you agree to do it, he calls you a sucker. He refuses to
compliment you and when you aren't dressed in a matching set he has the meanest dialogue.
I've had beef with Dylan since the dawn of time. Why is he so rude? You can imagine my absolute digust
as a Yasmin fan when I saw the live-action movie in theaters. Also, I wish they had stuck with earlier
designs of him and made him black.